Welcome to this Pre-Ecliptic moment where we wait and Wonder where and what will we be in the Post-Ecliptic moment.....
Breakthroughs! Authenticity! Catalyzations! Destinies Fulfilling for Those Who Care To Fill Them!
Shed old, wore out thinking, habits, ...ALL YOUR FEARS!!
To be actually, totally, for sure absolutely obstructed from the Sun's Radiating Frequencies for a few minutes, what will that feel like....?, ALL THAT LOVE IS NOW gonna be Radiating from the CENTER of Your HEART SPACE --> SHAZAAAMMM!!!!
Then come by, take in a Poetry Reading, pick up a book, pet a cat, Lose Yourself to YourSelf -
Seek, Create and Express YourSelf in Highly Charged Environments Preciptiated out of the Pure Divine Substance that Compelled Us All to Embody as humans in these Fascinating Times -
(This message has been brought to You through the Emanating Rust Belt Books by the CENTRAL SUN as a Public Service Reminder for all those who carry Wonder........)
In Great, Great Gratitude..
To Health, Love and True Human Happiness,
Rust Belt Books
- Before the Million - The Ballad of
States of Emergence, Reading Gaol -
Instigate by Oscar Wilde
Neuroplasticities Thurs. April 18th
in the Back Room... 6 pm
Sat. Apr. 6th, An Avant Reading
7 pm in Its Enitrety...
Saturday, Apr. 6th, - 7 pm
UB Graduate Poetics Group presents
A Poetics +1 Reading Series Evening
What can a good Poetry Reading give a Pre-Ecliptic mind state?
A Funny Feeling -
An Intrinsic Shared Vibration -
An Open Field of Anticipation -
- No Viewing Glasses Necessary -
Thursday, Apr. 18th, - 6 pm
'The Ballad of Reading Gaol' by Oscar Wilde
read by Pauli Simini with accompaniment...
A Quiet Masterpiece written in exile after Wilde's release from a 2 year imprisonment for "...gross indecency with other men"
A Journey into Wilde's last work before his Exit from the unadvanced human race....
Bring your own refreshments and Explore
Art Show
Our Stuff - Various works by local artists in our collection over the years